Calling all adult dancers and dreamers!

We can't remember a time we didn't love dancing. Around our rooms, on a stage, down the street... anywhere really. But nothing beats that feeling of learning a set of dance steps in a class with friends.
We want you to have that feeling - doesn't matter if you're a beginner who has never set foot in a dance class or someone who used to train and misses that feeling too.
That's why we have a range a dance of classes and options for people over 18 and we'd love you to come and check them out!
Our weekly open classes follow a more traditional class structure - warm up, technique excercises or combinations and learning a piece of choreography in a particular style. Our teachers structure each class to cater for all skill levels and you can commit for the term or attend casually. At the moment our styles on offer are:
Open Jazz/Funk - Monday 7:30 - 8:30
Open Contemporary - Wednesday 6:30 - 7:30
Open Tap - Wednesday 7:30 - 8:30
Following it's successful launch in 2015, we're also bringing back our monthly CAS Open Combo class! This class varies in style month to month but centres on a specific theme and simply involves a quick pilates-based warm up then learning interesting choreography and having fun.
Payment is easy! For any of our weekly classes you can purchase a 10 class pass for $140 (valid for a full 12 months!) or pay $15 at the door
Our monthly Open Combo class is just $10 at the door
If you're thinking about trying a class or not sure what's right for you we would love to hear from you! Send us an email at and we'll get straight back to you.
See you and your dancing feet soon,
Rachael and Claire