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#CASfamily - Our March Newsletter


Welcome to #CASfamily, our monthly update on all things happening at CAS! Here you'll find a bit about what's happening in the studio, meet some of our staff and students and see helpful reminders of key dates or deadlines coming up! FOR YOUR DIARY:

  • No classes on Easter Monday. Monday students are welcome to attend a different class as a make up lesson if they wish.

  • Recital Performance - Friday 13 April, 5pm (students arrive 4:30).

  • School Holiday Workshops - Tumbling and Tricks (Mon 16 April) + Move and Groove (Tues 17 April). Register here.

  • Term two - we're back Monday 30 April (even though some have a pupil free day at school).

Have a wonderful Easter!

IN THE SPOTLIGHT: ACRO Despite being the new kid on the block, our Acro classes have quickly become a crowd favourite in the studio. From those taking the class, to those who try to peek in to see what's happening, there are always cheers and smiles from ear to ear when Acro is on! At CAS, we're using the Acrobatic Arts syllabus for our teacher accreditation and class content. It's dynamic, fun and based in safe-dance principles. Each week is packed full of fun activities that are both challenging and rewarding. This term, we started with the basics: focusing on building strength and learning the correct technique. Some of the skills the students have learnt include handstands, cartwheels, bridges and somersaults. With the basics under their belt, they have now begun working on some more advanced skills including press to handstand, bridge, and one handed cartwheels. Already, all the students have shown great improvement an we can't wait to see what the rest of the year brings. The classes are always full of enthusiastic dancers who are ready to be challenged. Keep up the great work!

Ballet, Pointe

How long have you been at CAS? 7 years Three words to describe the class/es you're taking? Fun, challenging, exhausting. What challenges or events are you looking forward to this year? Costumes! I LOVE seeing our costumes each year. Who or what inspires you? different aesthetics What makes CAS special? The people! Everyone is supportive and kind and not stand-offish

Acro, Ballet/Contemporary, Drama

How long have you been at CAS? 3 years Three words to describe the class/es you're taking? Fun, new, exciting. What challenges or events are you looking forward to this year? I'm excited about my Acro routine and looking forward to the challenge of my first ever ballet exam. Who or what inspires you? The next step What makes CAS special? The lovely teachers.

HAYLEY Zumba, Pilates, Tap, Pointe, Contemporary,

How long have you been at CAS? 13 years Three words to describe the class/es you're taking? Creative, exciting, challenging What challenges or events are you looking forward to this year? Performing a dance en pointe for the first time Who or what inspires you? Claire! What makes CAS special? I feel comfortable in our uniform and costumes. It's an uplifting learning environment.

Congratulations Zoe!

Term one has already seen some of our students kicking goals. One of those students is Zoe who, after years of hardwork, passed her pointe screen assessment and has had her first class en pointe. A big step for any ballerina, congratulations Zoe!

DanceStep is here!

You may have seen our assistant teachers helping in some of our junior classes. We're so excited to be one of the first affiliate partners of this wonderful program and can already see our students growing in their confidence, skills and leadership. Our students undertook their first theory intensive this week, with some on track to complete level one very soon!

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Classes held at:
Eastwood Uniting Church hall
16 Lakeside Rd

© 2018 Creative Arts Studio

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