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CAS Student Choreography Competition

We are thrilled to be launching our student choreography competition this year - a concept that has been in the making for several years behind the scenes at CAS. One of the big focus areas of all our styles, in all age groups, is choreography - teaching our students to explore ideas and express thoughts through movement and music. We would love as many students as possible to share their creativity with us this year. As always, this will be a nurturing and positive event, a chance for students of all levels to have a go at making up a dance and performing it for an audience. Some prizes will be awarded for creativity, choreographic skills and performance skills. No students will be critiqued on their technique or dance ability.

The details are: Saturday 23rd June 3.00pm Eastwood Uniting Church Hall $5 entry fee

A little more info:

  • Dances can be a solo or duo (with a partner)

  • Dances can be in any style (see form below)

  • Dances are to be 1-2 minutes in length only

  • Dances MUST be choreographed by the students themselves - not by a teacher or parent. We will talk about how to choreograph a dance in all classes over this term.

  • Dancers need to provide their music on USB the week before the performance

  • Dancers need to provide their own basic costume or are welcome to perform in CAS uniform if they prefer

  • $5 entry fee per item

  • Students may enter more than one item if they wish to

Sometimes the simplest dances are the most effective. You do not need to be an experienced dancer to be able to choreograph a lovely piece, so we would encourage all students to participate if they are interested. Please complete this form and return it to Claire by Friday 15th June 2018. If you have any questions please feel free to ask! Looking forward to seeing what our students create! Best wishes, Claire PS. Everyone is invited to watch - we'd love to see you there!

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Classes held at:
Eastwood Uniting Church hall
16 Lakeside Rd

© 2018 Creative Arts Studio

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