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#CASmeetsWonka: here's what you need to know...

Classes for term three kicked off yesterday! This term is BIG. Everything over the next 9 weeks is focused on our production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The biggest part of the CAS calendar is our annual production. Produced over the span of two school terms including casting, planning, rehearsals and production design, our show presents the very best CAS has to offer. Our annual production is a full length stage show with dance and drama integrated into the narrative - think like a musical but with no singing! It takes our students beyond just focusing on their dance or drama skills and gives them the opportunity to be part of a wonderful experience, to learn and develop stage and production skills, to work as part of a performance team and to enjoy studying well known stories and characters. To help our Creative Kids get the best (and most stress-free) performance experience they will not be in our annual production this year, instead they are having a series of in-class performances at the end of each term. We do encourage our Creative Kids families to come and watch our production if they are interested - it's a lot of fun! To help our new CAS families (and remind those who have done it before) here's what you need to know about this term: STUDENT EXPECTATIONS We enter rehearsal mode full time now - this means students need to have memorised their lines, blocking and choreography and come to class prepared. Every week matters - we know our students are very busy, but we encourage them to go home and practice or write down any new content or notes they've received each week, as there isn't a lot of time in class to revise content from the week before. If a student is going to miss any classes due to illness or other commitments, please let us know. It is difficult to rehearse some scenes without the full cast, and we also take photos or fit costumes during class time. We encourage those who are feeling unwell (but aren't contagious!) to still attend class so they can watch rehearsals and hear any information they may need. REHEARSALS We know how busy our CAS family is so we try to keep all rehearsals, fittings and production planning in your regular class time. However a large production like this requires a few extra rehearsals to pull it all together. All cast members are required to attend the additional rehearsals unless otherwise indicated.

Drama rehearsal - Saturday 28 July 2018 2 - 4pm, EUC We would appreciate if all drama students (Junior, Intermediate and Senior) could attend our full run through rehearsal this Saturday. This allows the scenes to be put together across the different classes. Dress Rehearsal - Friday 14 September 2018 4:30 - 7:30pm, EUC All dance and drama students (except Creative Kids) are required - this is our only full run through of the entire production before the performance. We will rehearse in costume and with hair done but no make up is required.

COSTUMES Costumes will be fitted during class and handed out prior to the performance. Students will then wear them to the venue on Saturday 22 September. Students may need to provide some additional items themselves (eg tights, bike shorts, etc). These will be advised closer to the time. All dance students will be required to wear correct dance shoes - if you don't have these currently, I encourage you to purchase these soon so they can be worn during rehearsals. We recommend AKA Dancewear (1/2 Flinders Rd Ryde) or Centrestage Dancewear (1/35/43 Munaro st Seven Hills) as both stock a range of brands. If these aren't convenient for you, get in contact and we will suggest something closer. Hair and makeup requirements will also be outlined closer to the day - all our requirements are simple and age appropriate, designed to enhance the performance of character or the ability to be seen on stage. TICKETS Tickets go on sale at 9.00am 1 August. An email will be sent out with booking information. Tickets are a set price, with children under 5 years free of charge. Please note, children under 5 years cannot be guaranteed their own seat unless they have a paid ticket, but they are welcome to sit on your lap or in a pram etc. Tickets will be available for purchase online, with the ability to choose your seats (seating is allocated). PHOTOS Photos in costume will be taken during class in late August/early September. Students may need to provide some extras (leggings, shorts etc) which will be advised closer to the day. Electronic copies of the photos will be available for purchase as part of DVD package at the performance. PERFORMANCE DAY CAS Presents: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 2pm Saturday 22 September at Roselea Community Centre, 645-671 Pennant Hills Rd, Carlingford. (NB: Not 3pm as originally stated) Doors open at 1:30pm. Students need to arrive earlier on the day for stage rehearsal and tech set up. Arrival times will be advised ASAP. Parking is available on site or in a second carpark in Roselea Way Carlingford (you then walk across the oval to the Community Centre). Wheelchair parking and access is available - please let us know if you or your guests require this. Refreshments can be purchased at interval, and as always we will have some complimentary treats and surprises on the day for both our audience and our cast! I'm so proud of what we achieve each year and know you will be too. Thanks for being part of our production this year. If you have any questions, please ask your class teacher or get in touch. Best wishes, Claire

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Classes held at:
Eastwood Uniting Church hall
16 Lakeside Rd

© 2018 Creative Arts Studio

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